Lillith Black

Paranormal and Urban Fantasy

How I Was Inspired to Write My Latest Novel

How I was inspired to write my latest novel

An inspiration for a story can come from anywhere, and often it happens in the most random ways. Case in point. I wasn’t planning in writing the book I am working on right now. I didn’t have any ideas in the pipeline and was going about my very busy and stressful daily life, when my […]

Don’t Be Afraid to Write

Don't be afraid to write

Don’t let the inspiration hold you back. Often, when we sit down to write, we don’t feel “inspired”. We are tired, reeling from stress from our regular day jobs and the last thing we want to do is open a page and be honest with ourselves. So we pretend that the issue here is a […]

What Inspires You to Write

What inspires you to write

Ever stopped to think of all the random things that inspire you to write? I can immediately think of a few that are common for many of us: Music – soft quiet one for those love scenes, heavy-metal for those action scenes Weather – for some it’s rain, while others get excited by a bright […]

Author Bucket List

Author Bucket List

Recently I took on an Instagram challenge and one of the daily themes was an Author Bucket List. I had a bucket list of that type before, but it’s been forever since I had a look at it so I decided to write it again and see if I made any progress on the items […]

WonderCon 2015 – Thank you!

Wondercon in Anaheim

Just one of the awesome people in amazing costumes I met at the WonderCon 2015 this past weekend. Leeloo is my fave character from The Fifth Element! WONDERCON WAS SO MUCH FUN! I was at the event for all 3 days. I walked all over the place, saw some amazing and creative costumes and met a lot […]

A Novel Recipe – Guest post by Kayla Dawn Thomas

A recipe for a romance novel

Today I am very happy to have over my dear friend and fellow writer Kayla Dawn Thomas, an author of “Swept Up” and Jenna Ray stories “Pricked” and “Narrow Miss”. Kayla is a fantastic writer and I always wanted to find out what her writing process is like. Kayla was gracious to write this treat […]