Lillith Black

Paranormal and Urban Fantasy

The Cover Is Here! NaNoLA First Anthology

This is a very exciting day and I would love to share it with you! My short story is being published as a part of the first NaNoLA anthology, “Believe Me Not, An Unreliable Narrator” and today I got the first peek at the cover. I’m dying to share it with you, so here it […]

Narrow Miss by Kayla Dawn Thomas is available!!!

A new book by fellow indie writer Kayla Dawn Thomas, ‘Narrow Miss’ is now available for pre-order! ‘Narrow Miss’ is a part of multi-part series about Jenna Ray, ‘a former computer tech turned Wayward Husband Wrangler’. ‘Narrow Miss’ is released as a stand-alone novella and later will become a part of bigger collection that will […]

Interview With Indie Author Kayla Thomas

Recently, I have posted a review of ‘Swept Up’, a book by the fellow author, Kayla Dawn Thomas. I loved the book and wanted to learn more about the author, to discover what inspires her, what were her challenges and lessons learned from writing “Swept Up” and what she’s working on now. Kayla graciously agreed […]

These Characters Are Real – Review of “Swept Up”

Recently I had a pleasure of reading a book by a fellow indie writer, Kayla Dawn Thomas. It’s her recent release and it is called “Swept Up“. Before I go into any of the details I have to say right away how impressed I was with the characters of this book. They are real people […]