Lillith Black

Paranormal and Urban Fantasy

Interview With Indie Author Kayla Thomas, Part 2

Welcome back to the second part of my interview with the one and only, Kayla Dawn Thomas, an indie author of recently published “Swept Up” and upcoming, “Narrow Miss”. Today, I’m asking Kayla to share with us some of her experiences and tips when it comes to technical side of book writing and publishing. LB: […]

I love my Kindle

Ok, I know, I shouldn’t be professing love to an inanimate object, but I do love that darn thing! My Kindle is the first generation, nothing fancy (ok, it has the 3G, hallelujah!), but I love it just the way it is. I received it for Christmas few years ago and it’s the best “toy” I […]

Writing – You have all the weapons you need. Now fight!

I’ve been thinking recently of what a battle it is to write. And most of the time, it is a battle with ourselves. And a quote came to my mind from one of my favorite moves, “Sucker Punch”. It applies to so many areas of our lives, and for me, it applies to writing: “Who […]

My Must-Haves When I Write

In one of my previous posts I talked about the Inspiration and how, rather waiting for the inspiration to write, you should write first and the inspiration will surely follow. However, there is that subject of actually writing. How do you make yourself get into that writing chair daily and stick to it? And once […]

Inspiration and Writing Daily

Inspiration is lazy and loves to sleep. Don’t wait for it to show up on a date. Bring yourself and begin to write. Set yourself a goal, 200 words, 500, 2K, whatever and you might wake the Inspiration up from its slumber.   I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s the sound of clicking […]

Be Flexible With Your Tools

Every writer has a favorite method of putting words on paper. Some like composition books and a #2 pencil. Some love a pretty moleskin journal and a nice, easy flowing pen. Some love laptops and some are cool with a tablet on a go and some still use good old typewriters. I am a computer […]