Lillith Black

Paranormal and Urban Fantasy

Sleepwalker Chronicles is in Edit stage!

Sleepwalker Chronicles YA Paranormal Urban Fantasy

Just as the excitement of “Believe Me Not: An Unreliable Anthology” being published and celebrated at the most fun release party ever begins to subside, a new wave of WOW and O.M.G. is picking up and carrying me along. In the month of September my amazing beta readers were busy poring over “Sleepwalker Chronicles: The […]

Sleepwalker Chronicles, Chapter 1

Today, as a Mother’s Day gift to myself, I decided to set aside fear and doubt and begin to show my baby to the world. I am posting the opening chapter of the Sleepwalker Chronicles, my first paranormal YA novel I am planning to publish at the end of this year. This is still work […]