Lillith Black

Paranormal and Urban Fantasy

A Novel Recipe – Guest post by Kayla Dawn Thomas

A recipe for a romance novel

Today I am very happy to have over my dear friend and fellow writer Kayla Dawn Thomas, an author of “Swept Up” and Jenna Ray stories “Pricked” and “Narrow Miss”. Kayla is a fantastic writer and I always wanted to find out what her writing process is like. Kayla was gracious to write this treat […]

Interview With Indie Author Kayla Thomas, Part 2

Welcome back to the second part of my interview with the one and only, Kayla Dawn Thomas, an indie author of recently published “Swept Up” and upcoming, “Narrow Miss”. Today, I’m asking Kayla to share with us some of her experiences and tips when it comes to technical side of book writing and publishing. LB: […]